finally got to aubrey!!! yessssss

lets go here's some picrews

trying to make her sort of a morally gray character lol

Name: Aubrey Park

Age: 16

Gender: AFAB, uses she/her pronouns

Sexuality: asexual, biromantic

Godly Relations: Phoebus Apollo, father (basically apollo but roman, i think that's his name???) Thanatos, mentor, Lyssa (i dunno the god/goddess for mania), patron

Likes: candy, drawing, watercolor paints, biking, climbing trees, the outdoors, archery

Dislikes: soda, sour things, running, scary movies (she might not look it, but she's a scaredy cat) mirrors

Fatal Flaw: Overprotectiveness (major) Perfectionism, (minor)

Weapon: Standard Camp Half Blood Bow

Fun Fact: whenever austin and aubrey got bored and wanted to piss off their dad they would do a duet like this.


lowk based off of the brittle bones nicky series

so basically after the LC! incident (see theseus lore) aubrey got separated from theseus and lacey, and arrested. so aubrey gets sentenced to juvie, and after a few years (after TLO, beginning of TLO) she meets Leo and Piper at the wilderness school. they become friends, and understandably, she's a bit confused when they wake up with Jason on the bus, because erm, who is he- and then the whole dylan thing happens, and aubrey is like "fuck it" and whistles. (IF IT COST ME MY LIFE MAN I'D SAVE MY ONLY FRIENDS) so everyone is like "ow, what the fuck-" because ultrasonic whistles are fuckin loud, aubrey causes a distraction, and blah blah blah they all get to camp. She feels a bit out of place there (because she's friggin roman and doesn't know it lol)

the events of the heroes of olympus happens, and then tally's awesome time in tartarus (idk where to put this in the timeline, i literally wrote this for a prompt, but it's a little after House of Hades i think) and she tries to find theseus and kind of dies off screen (i wanna fucking write an angstshot for this aaaaaaaaa) andy finds her body, and after a bit they meet aubrey again- but she's a mania. so yeah andy and aubrey have a weird tense relationship, and that's when andy finds out he's cupioromantic.

so yeah, she's a mania/ghost thingy, and during the Trials Of Apollo series she would be kind of a neutral party/minor antag. she tries to help, but like- her mental health is suffering and she's a mania, so not helping very much.

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