
yeah, I dunno what I did here? Based on a bot from c.ai by CupidRVS, neocities is being weird with it's linking
i do NOT support william gold, quick clarifier
and i feel kind of icky writing about him, even if this au isn’t the original cc
so i might make some tweaks
but yes, enjoy my coraline sbi oc au fic?? I dunno what to put here lol

Chapter 1: Ozymandias is a Theater Kid

A song of piano and violin was echoing from the 6th year’s room.

“I am Ozymandias, King of Kings! Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!” Ozzy grinned, raising their (admittedly flimsy) sword hand up.

Elizabeth clapped and grinned. “There we go! I think you finally got this one, Oz.” She often stayed after school to practice with them, though drama club ended for the day an hour ago.

“Yes!” Ozymandias (iykyk, SAD-ist watchers), pumped their fist in the air, though they were a bit sad. They both finished, this would mean they had to go soon-

Someone rapped on the stagehand’s door. “Hey, anyone still here?” It opened, to reveal the custodian, Dan.

“Y’know, it’s pretty late...” He smiled softly at the two kids. “The club bus is coming in 10 minutes, you two should get to it.”

“Fiiiine.” Ozzy hopped off the stage, swinging their backpack over their shoulder. “C’mon, Lizzy! We’re gonna be late.” He flashed her a forced smile.

“I’m coming, one sec!” She gave him a real smile and jogged over to her friend at the door.

Chapter 2: Bus Stops are a Waiting Line of Hell

Ozymandias hated waiting.

Especially “for the bus” kind of waiting. Whether it was before school or after school- it didn’t matter, they could feel that tight little ball of anxiety in their chest.

They felt that anxiety before and after school. They didn’t want to go to school, but by the end of the day- they didn’t want to go home either.

The only place Ozymandias felt safe was in the stage-multipurpose room- but they can’t stay there forever, can they? After all, they would be lonely without Elizabeth and Apollo, and Dan still had to clean up after them.

They remembered when their younger brother would ride the bus with him. He was always so excited for Fridays.

“Yes! We can go home now!”

Just after hearing that, Ozzy flinched, looking up-

Never mind. It’s just Apollo and Lexie. Those two were always a bit annoying, but Elizabeth was able to stand them somehow.

Ozzy gave a tired smile. “I guess so. It’s Friday, right?”

“Mm-hmm!” Lexie grinned. The antsy 6th year still had her braces on, neon rubber bands and all. “Say, Ozymandias, you look rather anxious. Is everything alright?”

Ozymandias didn’t really like how she said their name like that, but they ignored it. “I’m alright, I guess. I’m just not ready to go home yet.”

“Is it about the play?” Apollo sighed. “Oh jeez, i’m nervous for that too. I’ve memorized most of my lines, but I am god-awful at singing.” He was decent at singing, but humble to a fault.

Apollo, Lexie’s twin, seemed ever the opposite of her. The quiet 6th year boy held a large, and admittedly well-loved journal in his hands, the pages yellowed and dog-eared.