The Founder's Game?

Hey all. I'm really fucking confused lmao.

like i'm writing this in school right now. I just finished a really important test but for some reason my teacher still let us have our computers out anyways??? i dunno haha. anyways i'm just rambling right now, let me make a point

on what the actual hell this is

i just finished a playthrough of the founder's game and suddenly i have a genloss hyperfixation again lol

so yeah i'm just typing this out on 9:42 am on a wednesday morning while listening to a jack stauber playlist

i have so much goddamn theories- hell, i've just been watching as much theory videos i could find that weren't blocked


things i've noticed (from videos and the founder's game)

founder & hetch- clear antag, might not seem like it (hetch) but they deffo are

hetch always has a red & black motif. all the other people have black boxes over their heads (or a staticky box- i dunno, it was in the you v them choice option for t_2 but after that dude dies his box goes black)

don't hide

don't escape

don't talk

don't conform

don't hesitate

ya know what that spells out? HIDE, ESCAPE, TALK, CONFORM, HESITATE. HETCH. HOLY FU-

learn the history. find kill the founder. (hey admins from schoo l who might be recording this. i'm talking about a fictional dude not a real dude don't worry lol)


I mean, we got a glimpse of him in chapters 8 and 9 of the game but he just answers questions and offs ben.

also um WHO TF IS BEN?? the whole slasher game is so weird, idk if the fortune teller had anything to do with it but that was deffo not a coincidence

when you look in the mirror the first few runs, ben looks like the "hero" from generation 1.

but a few runs later, he looks different. and the other thing that's weird is that the runs keep changing.

like the locker colors, where you go to hide, the thing you hide from- hell, even the teachers. after the janitor dies, you get rescued by the history teacher (WHO ALSO DIES.) damn no one can catch a break in the dang founders games

choice is a prominent theme in these things that ranboo creates.

the social experiments was only the first.

it happened again, with a hero, a spirit, a mastermind, an overseer, a friend, and the doomed. (as quoted from again. was that the founder who narrated it?) I mean, they said it was a beautiful story.

it was beautiful, but it was flawed, so they replayed it. again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.

which was the founders cut. i think the things in the vhs trailer were hinting to the founders game, or maybe that's just a coincidence

but the "perfect version" was the founder's cut. the date was june 15th.

and then theres messages at the end of again- "who are you?"

could that be ben? there's messages there too- chapter 9-1-13 of the founders game, ben gets a little too self aware

here's a little transcript, starting at 9-1-13

THE FOUNDER: I don’t quite know what you mean. Why you chose to find a key to A lock that doesn’t exist is beyond even me...

BEN: "Hello?"

THE FOUNDER: Oh. You aren’t supposed to-

BEN: "Wh- where am I? Who are you?"

THE FOUNDER: See. This is what happens sometimes. You run them through the same thing and they-

BEN: "Why- why is my voice different?"

(maybe this is the real, human ben. like generation 1 ben, if he's even in a generation ig. i haven't been able to find much of anything on the founders game)

THE FOUNDER: Calm down. You can't-

BEN: "This isn't my voice. Why isn't it my voice?"

(how long has he been in there?)

THE FOUNDER: I apologize for this. You weren't supposed to wake like this. You weren't supposed to wake at all.

BEN: "Who are you? I can't move. Why can't I move?"

(aw :( i feel bad lol)

THE FOUNDER: I’m afraid we must cut this short. Until I see you again, keep watching, keep investigating, it’s all fascinating. I will see you in my next creation.

BEN: "Why won't you answer me? What did you do to me?"

(yup. yup. yup. ben is dead, that's a definite. when we click continue after that set of dialogue, the founder, box head and all, just up and leaves, switching our "camera" off as well. before he shuts it down we can see a glimpse of a skeleton, bunches of wires and cameras connected to it. my theory is that this is ben, and as a result, ben is most likely dead. maybe ben was one of his students, like hetch)

(or maybe it's frank lol. this is just a silly idea i had but it might be some like- assassin's creed shit. reliving your highschool glory days except everything goes fucking wrong.)

(how long has he been in there, really? has to be decades for him to be just... a skeleton. is the founder in the future? why is he in a shack?)

THE FOUNDER: I’m sorry Ben, but your story has reached it’s ending.

(it seems it has, as from there the credits roll)

yeah, i think that might be the last we see of ben. but i also think that he might be a part of generation 0.

or maybe this was generation 2?

i remember lex cat making a diagram in one of her theory vids for the founder's cut, sort of like

as more generations (possible loops?) are created, the less "human" the characters are. the more scary the story gets. like we can see that in the founders cut compared to the social experiments, a lot of the goofy silly moments are cut off

the human moments as well. like when ranboo was playing with the rubix cube in ep 2? the times they signaled SOS? gone. cut out. it's odd, really, they seem to dehumanize them even more, hetch's lines were spliced and redubbed to not say ranboo's name at all. just referring to them as "the hero".

could gen 2 be the founder's game? or is it a separate thing entirely, like chronicle zero?

oh god don't even get me started on chronicle zero.

like- it's an entirely seperate thing. generation 0 (the story of lostfield) and chronicle 0 are different things i'm sure, but they may be connected somehow

like- i know chronicle 0's in generation 0. that's what i mean by the seperation lol, ignore that last sentence

i mean we got zero roads

(her name is literally synonymous to the hero's plight. zero roads to the exit, no escape.)


(we don't know much about them except that they're zero's friend. maybe they'll be delved upon more in the story of lostfield?)


(the psychiatrist. the one seen in the end of the founders cut, i think... after the creds. the one who reccomended zero write down her dreams.)

they haven't really been expanded on besides that, but, i'm not so sure what else i can find.

yeah a lot of this is really weird. sometimes i can really relate to some of the characters in my research to find out just exactly what the hell is going on with it. there's times i feel like i've been there before, like "oh i've already seen this info haha wdym it's new" but I know this is new for me. just... a little different. a little altered. re-reading and analyzing over everything is a good distraction from irl stuff i guess. it's odd, one new thing and i get instantly sucked into wanting to know what it means. the founder was right lol

hehehe escapismmmm

keeping note of this ehehehe

chapter 8-9 transcript (i kind of sped through it in my first run, so yea there WILL be commentary in the parentheses)

site/console?: The founder will be with you shortly.

(press continue)

(we see the founder sitting in a room, or at a desk maybe. his head is blacked out, or presumably covered by a box. (like the box ranboo died in gen1?) it looks like there's a bookshelf in the background.)

THE FOUNDER: Hello there. Sorry for the wait.

THE FOUNDER: Did you enjoy my story?

(on pressing yes)

THE FOUNDER: Well, that's great to hear.

(on pressing no)

THE FOUNDER: I see. I apologize.

THE FOUNDER: You see, the story itself wasn’t that important, really. I mean, all stories are important, but for this one, the story wasn’t the thing that really mattered to me. But we will get to all of that later.

THE FOUNDER: You people are interesting, you know that? You make all of these… connections. Like there’s some grand puzzle out there. I find that beautiful, really. You’re very unique in that way from the others. I’m still trying to figure you out. I don’t have the means of giving you the full story yet, but the connection strengthens every day.

(*cries because i'm literally making a site file for this /hj-* wait uh-)

(on pressing who are you)

THE FOUNDER: I am The Founder of everything you have seen and have yet to see. My history with this world is long, tedious, and honestly at some points boring, but maybe you’ll get to see it all someday.

(on pressing who am i)

THE FOUNDER: You’re you. Wherever you are right now. Doing whatever it is you’re doing there. I can’t answer that question for all of you.

(press continue)

THE FOUNDER: So many questions. I’m always so curious that your first intention is always to solve. Then again, I am the one that put the questions there to begin with, so I can’t really complain. However, I have a question for you.

THE FOUNDER: Did you notice it? It’s hard to miss. My beautiful creations always get taken. Misconstrued. Misused. Degraded. You see, I have no way of preserving them here. Which is my fault, after all. My curse. Everything always becomes something else, it’s just how it all works here. It’s been an eternity of remembering things how they once were and never really understanding what they are now. I envy you for that reason.

(:( real)

THE FOUNDER: I won't bore you much longer with all of my problems. That would take a lot more words than I can fit in the time we have left. I’m more interested in you. It’s nice to finally speak to you through something that's only a little more than words on a screen. There’s a lot about you that I don’t understand, but yet I feel like I know you all better than I know myself.

THE FOUNDER: I can tell that some of you are probably hanging onto every word. Analyzing every sentence. Probably rearranging it, too.

(chat i've been exposed)

THE FOUNDER: It’s a fun back and forth, this thing we have. I always find it so interesting the things you leap to, and the information you’re able to find. I’ll be careful not to make anything too hard. That just wouldn't be fun. But you are fun to toy with from time to time.


THE FOUNDER: You may be asking, “Why me? Why us? ”, and I have to say. I don’t quite understand it either. I don’t quite understand why you all specifically. All I know is that you’re exactly what I have been looking for. What I have needed all of these years. The time is finally approaching. Sometimes you don’t realize what is missing until you find it.

THE FOUNDER: I need time. Time to create. Time to find ways to show you everything that I have done and have yet to do. You will know when the time comes, but I have no way of knowing if you’ll be ready to receive it. I need to wait until the connection is stronger.

THE FOUNDER: I believe you to be one of my purposes, not my one true purpose, but one of them. Which is why I want to take care of you. I promise that none of this will affect you more than it already has. You will be spared when the time comes.

((⊙ˍ⊙) ...erm, what the scallop)

THE FOUNDER: I know what some of you may be thinking. This all just seems like a bunch of allusion and random “lore” dropped in to further some “expanding universe”, and that’s exactly what it is. Except this is different, because it is real. I have everything at my disposal. It’s fun to see you scramble and try to solve this. You may be not even reading this sentence yourself, someone might be reading it to you. That's just the beauty of what we have, don’t you see? No matter how much you try to be ahead of me, you never can. No one ever can, and no one has ever tried before.

(you think i'm gonna quit...? ;)... lmao i'm sorry-)

THE FOUNDER: This has all been for you. Although for me, it has been fun to see what you chose. It always is. I mean, 31.11% of you, after seeing what happened to the janitor before, still decided to hide! It is so interesting to see everything that you all have chosen, and everything that you have done. None of this would exist without you. You choose to watch, and therefore, I exist. If no one voted, nothing would have happened, but you chose anyway.

((⊙ˍ⊙) ...what would have happened? That's what i wonder. it's odd really)

THE FOUNDER: That third choice always existed. The choice to just not choose was always there, but you all wanted to further the story. Why? I’m sure you all had your reasoning. Some maybe hoped that you could choose the right path, and find the best ending for whoever you were choosing for, and maybe some of you just want to see how deep the rabbit hole could go. I thank you for that. I thank you for choosing.

(really... i've always wondered what would happen. is this what it meant in t_2? we "have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes", so we obvi wanted to find it out...)

THE FOUNDER: I'm sure you have many, many questions. Some of which I cannot answer, but some I am sure I can. Which is why I will give you an opportunity. Amongst all of you, choose one question. Decide on one question to ask me, and I will answer it. No matter what it is.

THE FOUNDER: So, what do you want to know?

(after question is typed in... after many questions were typed in... as of this moment, i typed in "who are you?")




THE FOUNDER: Welcome back. You all certainly had a lot that you wanted to know. All in due time. In fact, to thank you for your participation, I’ll answer some of the more… pressing matters.

THE FOUNDER: You did have quite a few different questions. I see that some of you have worked together. Which is good. It’s exactly what I’m looking for. What an unexpected surprise you have been.

THE FOUNDER: A lot of you seemed to coordinate your efforts. Either that, or you all had the same few things in mind. Either way, I am a being of my word, and I will answer your questions.

(i was today (1/24/25) years old when i learned the founder is a "being" /lh)

THE FOUNDER: Starting off, you seemed very curious about, well, you. Why you? How did I get to you? What am I doing with you? To that, I have to say that you are the only ones that can preserve. You are special from the countless ones I’ve tried to use before, and you’re the only one I’ve been able to establish this kind of connection with. I wasn’t expecting you, in all honesty. I thought you’d be another set to use, but you turned out to be so much more.

(was the audience supposed to be playing like... a character role in this game? this generation? (yes ik we were referenced in that one clip/) i don't really know where the founder's games play in generation loss, whether that be gen 1, the founders cut, or gen 0. but this line- like "I thought you’d be another set to use, but you turned out to be so much more.", is a lil concerning from a hypothetical standpoint. holy hell what's gonna happen next)

THE FOUNDER: There were a fair amount of questions about the things I have done before, and have yet to do. After all this time, it’s wonderful to be respected for my creations. However, if I were to tell you what was going to happen, that would ruin the surprise wouldn’t it? Isn’t that what you really want? Something that gets you on the edge of your seat, the big reveal, and then the resolution are all something you desire, no?

(the fact that i relate to this being)

(like i wouldn't go that far but i do care tons abt my own stories)

THE FOUNDER: So in that case, I apologize, but you aren’t going to be getting any information from me. You must be patient, these things take time to create. I won’t tell you how Miss Roads’s story begins and ends, but I can tell you that she is quite the entertaining one, and that you’re certainly in for a treat.

((⊙ˍ⊙) *gasp* ...chronicle 0 mentioned :0)

(lowkey scared abt how they just dropped that lmao /hj what does it mean?)

THE FOUNDER: There were a lot of questions about “Hetch’s creation” as well. Although I couldn’t be there to direct, I believe that he did a good job with the set that he was given. Even if he can be a bit dramatic at times. I mean, do you have any idea how many times that guy stabbed himself in the gut to make sure the cut looked right?

(...excuse me w aht :0 w h a t)

THE FOUNDER: The Social Experiments were created because, for some reason, Generation 1 had a much stronger connection to you than I initially did. So I used that, had Hetch create something to pander to you all a bit, to draw you in. I think he did a pretty good job at that. I did have to come in and rearrange a few things of course after the fact, but it was a wonderful creation to show you.

(they're referencing the founder's cut in that last sentence, huh...)

THE FOUNDER: It was the only one I could show you in full, but I digress. You obviously care a lot about that Generation, and maybe we will return to it one day. Hearts still beat after all, and that means a story can still be created.

(what's that last sentence supposed to mean???)

THE FOUNDER: With this next one, I must say, I am impressed with your coordination. You asked about your significance. What do your choices and participation have anything to do with what I create.

THE FOUNDER: You allow things to change. You allow for unpredictability, which has been making these stories interesting for me. You see, before you came along, I created, and it was good, but now you are something more within the original itself. Your reactions, your questions, your responses, are all things I can’t predict.

(honestly? real tho)

THE FOUNDER: It’s something new, after all this time, and I want nothing more than to establish this connection between us. I want to show you more, but time has always been my biggest enemy. You are a good kind of unpredictable. You aren’t like the unpredictable problem I keep facing with these stories. You are something beautiful.


THE FOUNDER: There is something very interesting about you. You all had so many questions, about me, and about what I create. Despite me telling you that what I create affects this world, and the people in it, your biggest questions have nothing to do with if what I’m doing is even right.

(that is what's happening though. hypothetically if this wasn't a fictional horror project this last sentence would be a lot more disturbing. our curiosity is driving us to figure out what's going on. we crave to know what the hell is happening, crash into the iceberg, see how deep the rabbit hole really goes- that we don't see the consequences of our actions. it really is a social experiment, that is what i find truly beautiful about this.

(curiosity killed the cat, you know

but satisfication brought it back :))

THE FOUNDER: Now, before you leave me, there is one question that I don’t want to leave unanswered. A lot of you asked about some kind of “password”.

(from there you can just refer to the transcript i made of the convo between the founder and ben.)

some more things i took from this

gen1 may not be dead? if hetch was able to stab himseld over and over again but is still somewhat okay in the founders cut then that should probably be true for the others as well

if so then it probably loops a lot- like what the last vid i watched said, the founder looped it a fuck ton before the founders cut was made.

other things i've noticed. hunches, may or may not be true

ben is apart of generation 0 - it says that he goes to LF high, which i believe stands for lostfield, which is like- "THE STORY OF LOSTFIELD". ya know. the thing for gen 0. there's no saying that he'll interact with characters like zero or jay but maybe we might see that.

2/10/25, 11:40 am

i thought i had looked over everything

oh boy was i wrong.

(sorry (not sorry) for the dramaticism, i was writing this near the end of 3rd period and i was really tired lmao)

like bruh i didn't even notice this T-T

so this might have been already said in other sources but here's my analysis

to start that's definitely the founder speaking

- they sound like a perfectionist

- they're literally talking about their generation

- they have similar dialogue and speech patterns to the founder when he is seen in the founders game

the founders game is a part of generation 0

- the title of the video is literally "welcome to generation 0"

- similar dialogue as the founder in the founders game

other shit

- we r in gen0. is chronicle0 related to that? i-d-f-k. lol.

- there was a small code beneath the line "i'm glad. i believe you are ready for the real story." as far as i know it reminds me a bit of pig cypher but i doubt it's that simple. i may have to do a bit more research on that when i have the time

(2/11/25 - i looked on the wikia, apparently the translation is "you proved yourself to be much more of a challenge than i thought". it's the same code as the one from the desk of the founder)

- hetch is a drama queen

- gen 1 was bait and we fell for it. it had us hooked, and it was the founders favorite.

- like the rabbit hole is just going deeper lol. it could get scarier

- the founder wants to introduce us to the real story. their story.

- they planted it in our generation a long time ago and we needed to find it - i believe this was the founders game. or maybe it was a red herring, i dunno. you can never be sure

so what does this all mean

- I believe this is a teaser for the founders game. i mean, the founder themself is introducing us to it.

- aside from that it speaks a bit on hetch and generation 1.

- it really is like bait- idk, i just feel like a fool from a methodical standpoint. rahhhhh they tricked us >:( lol, a lot of interesting stuff is going to come out of this. i'm excited to see

oh dear lords t_3.

- it gives kind of an inverse feeling. someone's trying to reach out to us and we don't exactly know who. i have a feeling it's hetch, but i'm just going off of the color scheme, referencing from lex cat's vid

- hetch is trying to contact us like how he contact ranboo during ep3. it wouldn't make sense that he doesn't know much of what we are, he does reference us a few times, but then again... yeah i dunno.

- maybe it's ranboo lol- i dunno if that would make sense tho

(maybe generation loss was the friends we made along the way :,)

(i'm legit going insane lmao)

- what if it's zero roads? what if this is her contacting us?

- i don't think that would make sense either.


- i mean, i'm pretty sure we're in generation 0 right now it would be more likely for it to be from generation 0. for all we know chronicle 0 would be pretty likely to be from generation 0, but it hasn't exactly been confirmed yet

(a little off topic but they finally updated the wikia yippee. there's some pics of the founder as seen in the founders game! nothing directly on the topic tho.)

- other signs that point to hetch are the obscured words. reminds me of t_1.

- for one t_1's abbreviation thing is don't hide don't escape don't talk don't conform don't hesitate

- which spells hetch of course

- and then t_3 is the exact opposite, telling you what to do.

(according to the wikia) it's run, hide, leave, walk, follow, stop, run, leave, turn around, open, leave, try, look, leave

- a little like ben's slasher game. leave is repeated 4 times- could that have any connection? i might have to do another playthrough, as long as the site's still up.

(still is. chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are all up. i'm a little curious on something though, i'll update you once i finish another playthrough)

- like as far as i know there were 2 runs with the janitor, 1 run with the teacher, and 1 by yourself run before you touch the goofy ahh orb and meet the founder. take my word with some salt, i may be wrong on this.

- i'm deffo scared about t_3. red text is a motif typically associated with malicious characters- especially /w people like hetch & the founder.

i have a lot of free time during 3rd period (since i got everything done ehehe) so i'm gonna do a playthrough and take notes on it and stuff

(note: most of this is written in 1st person, so don't be worried if it sounds a little off, okay :))


I woke up and found myself in a concrete room. my arm was connected to a wire in the wall for some reason. I disconnected it by getting up. I chose to open the door, turning the wheel to the left. When I walked out and into the hallway, I noticed that it was long, with similar doors, evenly spaced out. It seemed to go on forever. I was at the end, by the door.

I walked down the hallway. A different noise came out of each door as I walked past. I kept walking. The walls were lined with paperwork and notices, which I didn't understand at all. I looked into the window. Inside, it looked like something was being filmed. The person inside the room, tied to the chair, was being filmed. I couldn't really see their expression, their head, lower neck, and even face was covered by a white box.

...I chose to keep walking.

(i chose this option 2 times before I got another option)

And so I did. The hallway seemed to go forever as I kept walking down, and I felt like I was going in circles.

But I refused to let my fear stop me. I kept walking down the hallway. It was going on for ages. I asked myself, was I really going in circles?

Eventually, I came across a door that was slightly ajar. It looked different, like a regular wooden door. I peeked inside.

There was another person in there. He looked like he was taking notes. I couldn't exactly see what he was watching, but there was gears turning, and screams. Then it stopped- - - and rewound. To play again. The door slammed on me before I could get a better look. I felt a chill, figuring it must have blown shut. I tried the door, and it wouldn't budge. Best to keep walking.

(the founder????)

And so my thoughts overtook me again. I thought I was going in circles. But I kept walking, and the hallway still went on and on. This time I chose to turn around.

I saw a large door with an exit sign right above it. Oh thank goodness. I ran through it, only to be met with....

....another hallway. Two options, two signs. One of them saying laboratory, pointing right- one of them saying holding cell b, pointing left.

I went left.


I walked to the holding cell, a large metal door coming up on my right. I can't really open it myself, nor find a way or tool to do so, it looked sealed shut. I heard a growl coming from the otherside as I looked through what I so desperately hoped was a mirror. I uneasily looked through the window. It was a robot-like thing, made of wires and metal. It looked right at me, getting up close to the glass.

...I kept walking down the hallway. The lights were flickery, it gave almost an eerie feel. I stopped at a red metal door, attempting to open it. But before I could try, I felt a blunt force hit my back, pain shooting up my spine. I felt myself shutting down, my vision beginning to darken.

I opened my eyes, seeing a red glowing orb in front of me. It was so mesmerising, almost inpossible to figure out. I couldn't comprehend it, how it switched from one to many colors, one to mine, bright and dark. I reached my hand towards it. I wanted to know. I wanted to understand.

a heading appears on the screen.


we're still in ch2 fyi

My name is Ben. A senior at LF (lostfield?) high. I've made a name for myself in the last 4 years, having many achievements whether it comes to sports or grades. Over all, a perfect life. I wake up, lifting my head from my desk. It seems I fell asleep during my last period, no ones here. I look through the window, seeing that it's dark outside. I've slept in class before, but never this long. Usually the janitor would wake me up, but I guess he hasn't gone to this room yet. I'll probably be okay, this isn't the first time it's happened.

I think for a bit. The janitor would probably still be cleaning right about now, I just need to find an exit and go home. I get up from my desk, taking my bag with me. Looking around the classroom, I realise it looks really dark. The only light is from the moon outside. It's unsettling, now that it's quiet. I go the teacher's desk, her bag still there. That day was rough for her, what with all the rowdy annoying kids, so it would make sense to want to get out asap. Nothing else super important besides a pic of her lizard.

I don't wanna be in this place anymore than I already have to. I'm worried about where my parents must think I am. It's deffo time to leave. I opened the classroom door and entered a very familiar hallway.

(like the neverending hallway from ch1 and half of ch2???)

Lifeless and dull, almost spooky with the silence contrasted to it's usual bustle. Blue lockers trail down the sides, school rally posters hung above them. It's very dark, only illuminated by the small amount of moonlight coming through the door windows, and the red exit sign at the end of the hallway. I know I should go to the exit and get home, but I also kind of wanna explore the rest of the school. I mean, i've never seen it past closing... I choose to go to the bathroom first, looking around. About the same old, same old, just darker. I linger around the stalls, analyzing the etchings and vandalism marked onto the surface.

I look into the mirror and see... the same old me.

(in the mirror we can see a highschool student, with curly hair, wearing a varsity jacket, with the abbreviation "LF" on the chest. Presumably Ben. He's looking in the mirror in the bathroom, with some vandalism including the generation loss logo "g & L" overlay to the left of the picture looks a bit like a 4 except with a dot on the right and a diagonal thingy jutting up from the left, as well as the word Zero to the right- - - well at least I think it's Zero. The only things we actually see are the letters Z-E-R. Reference to Zero Roads from Chronicle 0? I-D-F-K.)

(2-24-25 wait how the fuck would they go to the same school this isn't irl ben's fucking dead)



I leave the bathroom. Next, I go to visit the principals office. Just to have a little peek- and to see if the rumors about the candy in his top desk drawer are true. I feel an odd sense of familiarity with my surroundings as I walk up the stairs, trying the door. To everyone's surprise... it's locked. All I can do is peek through the window. But I barely even see anything before hearing the sound of broken glass behind me. I turn to see the trophy case and a large hole in the glass. A little shaken by the sudden sound, I try the door again. Shocker, it's locked. I want to ignore my growing anxiety about WHATEVER THE HECK could've made that break in the trophy case, I try the door again. To my surprise, the handle breaks and the door swings open. I walk to the principals desk, seeing all the paperwork about various students. I hear rustling of glass as I go to check out her PC. The startup sound startles me a bit, as it turns on. The desktop is completely blank except for a file in the center labelled "13:45:32-8/13.MP3." I press play on the file. It's hard to make out what i'm hearing, it's very distorted. But I can hear the secretary's voice.

(link in case anyone else knows wtf they're saying???)

(it's pretty hard for me to tell what the secretary is saying- but it sounds something like "attention all students, to the office")

I leave 'cause I don't wanna be caught. I mean, I broke the door... I make sure to close it quietly behind me, hoping the next person who tries to open the door will think they broke it. Having explored all I wanted to explore, I go to the red exit sign at the end of the hallway. i feel like i'm being watched. In the corner of my eye I see a red figure run by, startling me. My head whips around, I try to look for it. Am I imagining things? I walk to where I saw the figure run by, looking down the corridor. The tall, red, figure I saw out of the corner of my eye, gesturing for me to follow him. I chose to follow it.

I follow the red figure, walking with it as it leads me through hallways. Eventually it stops and turns to face me. I think we're at where he was trying to lead me to. The whole room begins to shake and my head hurts. It practically feels like an out of body experience. The lockers began spewing a... strange black substance. I turn to see if the red dude is still where he was and I hear the exit doors rattle. Something's trying to get in. I run, and run, and run, hearing the lockers crashing together. I make my way to the gym, closing the doors behind me before I get crashed into by a locker. I guess I need to find another way out.

There's 2 options for me so far. I'm going to check the window first.

It's forced shut, locked as well. The panes are too small to squeeze through anyways. I search the gym, and I see a large and bulky silhouette looking at me through the window, who quickly walks away. I need to get out, but it's not like I have anything to defend myself against whatever that is. I figure going to a different room would be best, so first, I go to the storage. There's a lot of props and materials, and there's a lot of paint as well. I see another thing as well... the machine seems to come to life as I walk towards it. "W-w-well hello there!" It speaks to me, jerking and jolting around. It looks old and dusty, but judging by the lights, it's in somewhat of a working condition. The machine continues to speak. "The future is a b-b-beautiful thing! Would you like to hear of it? I may not always be clear, but I am certain!" There's a glowing buttons below it which reads "Press me to hear. Choose to listen." I press the button.

I press the glowing button, and the little man in the machine goes limp. The machine rattles, lights flash, and eventually he springs back up again. He looks directly at me, mouth open.

"You know this will kill you. You’re chasing someone else’s dream. You are losing everything in the process. What is it all for? The hope of salvation? The hope to do what you believe you are meant to be doing? What is it that you even want anymore? Is this even for you? Who is this for? Answer me. Please."

(who the hell is this directed at? zero, hetch- hell, the founder? the fortune teller clearly has some significance, but i don't exactly know what for)

I leave the room, the machine adknowledging me as I walk out- "See you soon. Good luck."

(it is giving hetch tbh. i wonder what his relationship with the founder was, well- before all of this. Based on the other references, (lex cat's vids) I'm pretty sure they're like- pupil and mentor or just work buddies. I wonder if they grab coffee together)

I go back to the gym, wary of the bulky figure i may or may nor run into again. This time, I choose to go to the lab. Before I can check if one of the windows are open or something, it appears. The red, glitch like figure, opening the window for me, somehow pushing through all the locks. The outside feels breezy on my skin, and I try to leave- but before I can, a large gloved hand comes out from the darkness, trying to grab me. I run.