most info will be omitted as i'm not comfy with sharing that :3
though it should be said that i am a minor, don't be weird
name: mitchy :p
age: 4,612
fav color: blue, purple, acid green
flags: bi, greyromantic, demisexual, genderfluid
pronouns: she/he/they/its
creds in the picrew, but here's a link!
very mitchell coreother than random thing about me, this page is probably gonna serve as a journal. Vague depictions of life, lmao
mitchy-core lmaofeeling tired, lol
my sleep schedule is literal shit- like i either go to sleep at 1 wake up at 2 or sleep between 1:30-6am and act fine
there is no in between.
i kind of have a scott pilgrim vs the world/takes off hyperfixation rn
i'm also getting a bit back into the dsmp ^^ it's sad the members and the fandom kind of went to shit, but time goes on i guess? so much controversies to wrap my head around... gives me a headache. i focus more on the lore than the cc's, characters are different from real people after all.
i really really really like c!technoblade. i'm gonna stop myself there before this turns into an infodump.
anyone else reading tell me a dream? i'm on the first book
i'm just waiting for school to start. i'm dreading it because homework and shit but i really miss the sense of routine
feeling productive is what i miss, really
i also have cross country... bleh, i love/hate it
i'm hoping i have the same lunch as one of my friends. and hey, if not, i can read on my mp3 player until it's over and i have to go to my next class
i just wanna get my schedule so i can either be extremely fucking happy that i have one of my electives for first quarter (one of the tech options, might be video game design, i forgor) or just dreading PE and/or health.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (┬┬﹏┬┬)
ok enough angrily (i dunno if it was angrily, i needed to put something to explain it there) key spamming, lmao
i'm just gonna save and quit here lol
been kind of just thinking about random stuff now, lol
i was messing around on this site and i typed in "paper is book skin". it kind of scared me at first because it downloaded a zip. file, which i thought was a virus or some shit- but i tried to open it and it just kept crashing my notepad, which was insanely frustrating. but i opened it on a different computer and it turned out it was just a photoshop file. i don't know much about photoshop, so i just let it be and looked on the gravity falls reddit for answers. not much there, but adobe watermark i guess??? someone thought it was a code, but if you mess around more with the filters you can see it
ok so i just finished Coffee Talk and it's really cool, like the ending just... :0 (for context i got the good ending, i think it's the good ending. like where you can see all their profile info?? lmao that sounds creepy without context)
no spoilers here though! If i ever figure out how to import images here from different devices, i am so making an art page
but for now have this.
a picrew for my barista oc! ^^ If i'm not too busy with school coming, i might add a lore page for them- hell, maybe i could finally learn the javascript and css i've been putting off. That would sure benefit the site, lol
but for now (i've said that twice ugh) have this random song to fit with the lore/word vomit swirling up in my brain right now
my allergies are being little shits right now
idk if that made sense, but in summary, i have the sniffles and am mentally dying
at least today i get to find out whether i have physical education and suffering on my schedule for first quarter! ^^
god i am dreading/cannot wait for school
i know that's technically an oxymoron, but i have my reasons! i'm just too lazy to type them out right now
i have to wait until the 30th to get my schedule.... ugh >:(
oh my GODS i am dreading school-
ok ok ok ok subject change i don't wanna go into an angy rant-
is it weird that i like using reaction bots on like the ones called "(random fandom name) reacts"!!!
idk, i just think they're pretty cool- like you have a selected "narrative" for user and then you can just diverge from that- in a believable way of course, and everyone is literally just :0 OMG WAIT WHA-
for example, lets say user was a medic for a team and they supposedly didn't have any powers. "quirkless", to put a term there.
but it turns out they were hiding the fact that they're a demigod with a double life that is mildly concerning
(for context, i was using a TCFSV reaction bot. specifically this one.)
lmao cringe- /j
this video and this video have been basically playing in my head on loop asdfsdfsh
the relatability of this one just makes me want to cry- or could it be the song that makes me emotional? man, i dunno, the seeb brainrot is getting to me-
anyways it's late im'ma take a break
holy shit. wow. wow. wow.
i just came home to 2 new followers
i know 3 followers on a site isn't something to really brag about, and they're all followbacks, but still- i was feeling a bit crappy today and that boosted my mood a lot. thx ^^
anyways- i just got my schedule today, and i don't have classes with any of my friends :( ughhhhh
it's really annoying, because this one person- she's a really close friend of mine, and we've never been in the same class. Not even in elementary!!!
and i have health class this year... ugh :( and phys ed in the same semester!!!
i'm really excited for the second semester though, i have engineering + design and digital art so i'm pretty happy bc one of my favorite teachers teaches that :D
ok that was a mouthful-
anyways, feeling good today, i'm gonna end this on a happy note
ok so i kind of unwittingly made a TCFSV/PJO oc out of a chat-
my fandom oc's always happen like this!! i do a chat and then late at night when i'm trying to sleep the LORE will not stop invading my brain until i either write the damn thing or ask for a melatonin. istg, i lose sleep over oc lore sometimes-
anyways might make a little braindump page about them tmrw :p all i wanted to say
got another follow, yay! thank you so much :) believe me when i say i just got the biggest motivation boost ever
so anyways, there's this writing prompt i've been wanting to do
and i just saw this video and i was like :0 oh my god
and then lore just came into my brain and i know i need to do like- a draft. wordvomit thingy-
but yeah, there's a lot of stuff i want to do on this site rn and i need a to-do list before i flood myself with work.
ok so like today is the last day of august T-T i'm sad
i did some work though! i finished the theseus page and linked it to the webfic (i dunno if that's a proper term for a fic you post on your own website, but i'm making up words now >:))
got another follow today :D tysm
not really much to say except i really need to go buy some frickin notebooks (last minute school shopping, i know >:/)
i'm gonna try to get a lacey + aubrey page out before school starts at least
heyyyyy long time no see 5 people who follow this silly little website
so uh yeah it's the first day of school for me
yay (routine that makes me feel not depresso)
aaaaasdfasdfasfljhajsdfhsjdlf (SCHOOL. GRADES. OTHER FRICKIN STRESSORS OMFG-)
so yeah. we have a late start though so i don't have to go to the bus until like 12 or something.
i'm kind of scared though, bc i have a lot of the teachers that are rumored to be "strict" or "scary"
and i have health. i am not excited for health. i have heard weird shit about health from my older friends. :/
so yeah i'm kind of really just.... i dunno what i'm feeling but it's not tiredness. i need to take my allergy meds
also i kind of had another tcfsv oc in my head... lmao i'm gonna write it down after cross country
holy SHIT i forgot i had cross country. i am NOT excited for that again haha.
i'm kind of just in denial lmao
me during lunch at school... lolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasdefghkjhjlsgfsdhfd
ok so EVERYTHING kind of sucks right now
not everything, school was okay-ish
but like right now- everything hurts. i am on my monthly bleed out and die (mentally) pattern, and i just started cross country after basically doing nothing the entire summer
and i know it's kind of entirely my fault for not exercising- but like everything really fricking hurts and i just wanna lay down and watch QSMP lore recaps
wow, i haven't updated this for a bit
in summary- day was long af, i have a "trial" for cross country on friday, kind of depresso because none of my friends have the same lunch, kind of espresso because i met people who i can probably make friends with at lunch- like i genuinely believe i can, they're "my kind of people". Weird but very cool (in my humble opinion) people. Yay!!!1!!
i'm kind of relating to this.FUCK being underrated. I wanna have everything (younger me) THEY DID!!!
ya that's all
holy frick it's the weekenddddd
thank god, my sanity is rapidly declining /j
but yeah everything hurts- i finally saw the new video on the generation loss channel! i watched about a minute of it but then i switched to the translated version from a channel called Deleted. Their videos are really cool, i reccomend giving them a quick watch ^^
so yeahhhh i just watched that
i imagine i looked a bit crazy, just watching the translated video (which would look quite odd out of context) and muttering words from it to myself
lol, my mom might be slightly concerned now- idk, it's just funny to me that i only now realized that
but yeah, i survived the first week back at school. im'ma take a break
i am so fucking tiredddddd
bc i had cross country and i had to go to girl scouts
but i'm also super happy because i got to see my friends who i have no classes with
and im just super... dopamine
like when you see that one special person for a first time in a long time and you just feel :D
very me right now. lol
picture day is today :D
god i am tired
cross country kind of sucks right now
i ran my entire course yesterday, 2 miles, (1.86 :/) and it wasn't even for a meet >:(
we did sprints afterwards though, and that was fun, so the coaches get some redemption
i am in my EPIC: the musical phase, have this silly video
i have so much shit to dooooooo AAAAA. not only that but i have two cross country meets this week. My first was this monday and it was kind of hell- i'm waiting for my coaches to post the time. and i have another one this thursday.
i missed a lot of math :,) I'm gonna miss a lot of math :,) I don't really like math :,) I like the teacher, she's strict but also very wacky and cool :,) I just don't really like math :,)
okay so anyways i have to do a dam break evacuation drill tommorow- and then I see this.
i'm lowkey scared guys-
guys i am dead.
like- i have cross country right? and i have the dam break evac drill.
the hike itself was over an hour and 3 miles.
and then after i had cross country
and i had caterpillars, which is hell in itself- AND I HAD INTERVALS. bro it was at the same time, everyone in my lane was suffering.
(for context, caterpillars is where you run in one lane with a group of other people for multiple laps. every 10 seconds, the person in the back of the line sprints to the front, and so on so forth.)
(and then intervals is where you run and walk- for intervals. our intervals was 20 minutes of running around the track- then 3 min walk. then 15 minutes- then 3 min walk. and then 10 minutes- then 3 minute walk.)
i'm fine other than the fact that i had to do FIVE FUCKING MILES on foot today. (3 from the hike, 2 from cross country.)
i am truly dead inside bill cipher take my soul. /j
chat i am dead-
but yeah i had my second meet today!! i beat my time by 2 minutes, i'm so fuckingn happyyyyyy
not much else to say lolz, i beat my time and my finals from last year
best pr ever!!!!
anyways, i got ideas to plop here bye bye
watching a philza vod, lol
good background noise while i work on the site
i finished some oc lore yesterday, (added marsia and scylla!) and i'm working on the variants
literally just woke up at 11 something today
can't stop the web developer grind!!!
bro i am so saddddddd
like i'm in the middle of watching s2 ep22 of the office and i am crying inside
i'm at the scene where pam rejects jim and my heart just hurts for this man
jim is literally me but a cis, straight, male
my first crush was straight (we're still besties though)
and my ongoing crush- bro, i dunno. i think they have a partner now, i don't even know, i still feel.
gods why do fictional characters make me wanna cryyyyy
chat they kissed, she kissed back, my dopamine level visibly went up
i went from sad to :0 what the Σ :D
hgsdf i don't have school today!!! yippee conferences!!!
but the rest of my family does, lol. i get the whole place to myself, time to throw a rager party /j
so yeah, i've just been working on the site while watching the new philza stream, life is good
i was really productive yesterday though, i crossed off a lot on the index to-do list
but yeah, hoping to get some math catch-up done
also i just noticed we're really close to 1,000 views??? holy shit guys, i just made this with html, some js. (thanks to my dad teaching me) and dreams, tysm for clicking on my beautiful hell :D
holy fuck, 993 views?? idk if this is a big deal, but like- wow :D
yooooo 1,002 views??? that's pretty cool thx guys
hgsdfgsdf it has been so long since i've updated this!! hi chat lmao
i feel very happy because one i just did my finals meet which means cross country is over
that also makes me really sad though!! i actually liked it this year :(
i am super tired but i want to animate something but i have no ideas
i think i pr'd though. like below 18 minutes :D yey
woke up super late today. maybe like 12:48 pm? I dunno lmao. Anyways, watching IT right now. I'm a little annoyed because I really want to read it but I can't until the parental figures read it because it's apparently "very messed up". like bro watching georgie's death already traumatized me i think i'm ok lmao. but yeah anyways- don't spoil it!! I think Eddie's my favorite character rn, kind of relatable.
also did anyone see the new MCC line up? I need to set a reminder for that, i'm super excited. I haven't watched much of shubble yet, but her and phil are on the same team so yay :D (there's a lot of really cool cc's I haven't watched, i kind of want to watch hermitcraft. according to my science teacher it's super cool) i need to set a reminder for that, I don't know if I already have anything on the 26th
y'all they did not just give us a wholesome bill and georgie moment to just do that. as an older sibling, i was legit about to cry, holy fuck. but i was just pisseed when it turned into bev's dad. i said "beat his bitchass" out loud, with my dad in the room, that's how invested i was.
...also i may or may not have a fictional crush on bev now- chat i am a girlkisser.
thinking abt making a yt channel (i wanna animate so badly)
bro i'm in the middle of watching the wedding episode (part 2) jim n pam are so in loveeeee
fuck romeo and juliet i want what they have <3333
lol, they really just went fuck this shi i'm out
hey y'all! it's been a bit :) i watched the mcc with my little brothers, i loved the minecraft movie theme, made me laugh
working on my sbi coraline fic thing, gonna make a page for ozzy later. but yeah, i've been busy with school and halloween and all that. i don't really know what to call my costume, lol. i think i look like a gothic tinkerbell, my friend says i look like a butterfly death cultist. lmao i love her /p
...oh did i mention i joined a dnd club? yeah, that's something i might talk about tommmorow
having a good weekend! had to clean a bit, but that's kind of expected at this point. my dad got a new tablet, so now i can work on my drawings and animation without things being super laggy.
did i mention it had a stylus? yayyy no more finger cramps.
speaking of drawings, yesterday i worked on a design for my dnd character! might make a dnd shrine, gotta put that on the to do list. but like i swear, all my characters are somewhat emo, and have black hair. that's my dnd oc genre.
we got andry, the ex-mercenary halfling rogue (first campaign!!!)
barney, the timid barbarian with too much rizz, who somehow managed to kill god and satan and broke the world with his "rapscallion friend" tyler (last years campaign!!! i don't know what the hell happened there, lmao)
and dave, the "tired of everyone's bullshit" harpy mage looking for his little sister (current campaign!!!)
and the people i'm playing with are really cool too! they all have a chaotic side at one point we hunted down a "mysterious man" and attempted, key word attempted to rizz up skeletons. like i have lore for that (because i didn't wanna draw hands)
basically dave tries to rizz a skeleton and gets his arm shot, and untreated so they gotta amputate it. lol
anyways im'ma take a neocities break for the rest of the day, i'm very internally overstimulated rn
hello allll
gods it's been a long time since i updated this page
still sick. but i'm feeling a lot better today :) shit headache, man
but yeah things are looking up. i'm in a different ela unit, and sitting with (still admittedly annoying, but a bit better) different people.
i'm writing a new story, a superhero one. evelyn evelyn (iykyk)
anyways, i have a lot of stuff to do. my family is doing thanksgiving prep right now and i have to take some compost out
i've been feeling alright. kind of melancholy, assignments are getting on me again.
not much, just one stupid social studies one
like ah yes, make a timeline on a random leader (i chose julius caesar) write a 5 fucking paragraph essay on why that said leader is effective or not, and make a whole-ahh map of what they conquered and ruled
holy shit i am tired. but yeah, i'm trying to not neglect this. i've been writing more of my stories, and i'm proud of them, just annoyed that none of them are getting finished.
today is kind of shitty
i'm not in a good mood, but literally everyone overlooks that
like no, stop messing with me after literally calling me stupid after failing to do something i NEVER KNEW SHIT ABOUT in the first place.
i'm usually fine with people teasing me but i'm just pissed off today ig :(
but hey on a better note i have an alternate website! it's called aeuclidshell and it's on nekoweb bc i can update it at school
i've been learning some css from it
im'ma try and link it one sec-
4:51 pm
here ya go! nothin much but it's ok ig
holy SHIT it has been almost a week since i uploaded this
lol how r y'all??? i'm pretty tired and unhinged rn and i don't even know why. it's only 6 ToT
but yeah, i've been working on that superhero story i yapped about a little earlier. lol it's coming well, i'm hoping that i get it done over the weekend
i'm hoping that maybe i can upload it here during winter break... and work on tally's awesome time in tartarus, i said i was gonna get a chapter or two done during thanksgiving break but bro it was literally only 2 days
but yeah i've just been stressed but pushing it back
it's working (kind of sort of) i feel like a vibe rn 🤩 at least during peer review people thought it was good (y'all i have imposter syndrome fr) but i might ask my friend to proof read it... if i can get a hold of her lmao, idk how busy she is
but yeah did i mention we have a greek mythology assignment in social studies next week?!?!?! y'all i am tweaking, we literally had an assignment on sparta + athens and then the persian wars after the stupid leader thing, which was awesome, but i am sooooo fucking excited for next week
yeah, i'm gonna go eat smth rq, might rewrite or not depending on my mood
god i feel annoyed at myself
i literally only have one scene left to write before i finish evelyn evelyn and i have been procrastinating and over thinking it for so long i am literally gonna cry
not only that but my brothers keep asking me to play minecraft with them- like bro, ilysm, but can you not see that i am busy?
i'm just gonna go do sprints until i calm down then get some food in my stomach bc i CANNOT THINK RN.
struggling to write this on a tablet, lol. sorry i've neglected this for so long :/ I've been busy. I have so much ideas that most of them end up unfinished... oof. reading butterfly reign- and while i feel so much for br!ranboo, and br!theseus, i can't really pick sides they both have done pretty fucked up shit (im on ch 23-25, i forgot which exactly)
I am a br!tubbo apologist tho. i actually have an oc for butterfly reign, i might make a page for them.
ALSO EPIC OC'S. omgssss- i have so much to share.
as soon as i figure it out im making an art portfolio page. like clickable for zoomin and shit.
anyways- happy 2025. let's hope it's better than the last
hey all hru. i've been tired lol.
end of the semester yippee! i'm vibing lol. i've finished most of my assignments and i went on a jog with my dad 2 days ago :>
running is theraputic lmao i swear to god
but yeah there's a the founders game thing i've been meaning to upload, so im'ma get this up
it's really odd lol. i can't find much on the generation loss wikia about the founders game, and looking up either gives me a reality tv show competition or just the link to the game. i dunno if that's on purpose. but i can't find much about it on sites like youtube either. maybe i just need to look on other places. feeling good 2day :>
see ya later
heyyyyy and i just uploaded the founders game shit. on my monthly bleed from spawnpoint so i feel kind of shitty lol. been feeling a bit nicer when i looked at this, i'm genuinely happy that people seem to like my works a lot. though most of them are unfinished lol...
yeah i dunno, i've just been trying to update a bit since i don't have school this friday.
hiii helloooo how are youuuu
i've been doing pretty well this week! i got my new classes, and i'm really excited! I have digital art /w one of my fav teachers, and engineering and design, which i'm not so sure about but i think i'll like the assignments. i had a snow day today too, and i got to go sledding! only downside is that i crashed on my last run /w my bro really bad. my jaw hurts when i clench it and idk if that's concerning lmao
but yeah i've been feeling good other than that. i kind of wanna look for a job. idk why, i'm not exactly old enough but i wanna find something to do. i'm running out of space on this anyways lol, i wanna find a way to maintain it.
maybe i could do like- fic comissions or something? Lol idk. I might do some reasarch, there are some things i could do if i wanted to.
hey y'all how r youuuu
i have kind of shit allergies right now but other than that i'm pretty good. i started listening to the jrwi podcast and i really like it. reminds me a bit of the dnd club stuff i did last year. also downloaded a lot of music onto my mp3 player lol, having a sorta good time
i've also been doing some more generation loss analysis. i rewatched some theory videos as well as some straight from the channel. i mean, i know for a fact i deffo watched welcome to generation 0 and t_3 before i started the founders game, but i didn't really see the bigger picture. the wikia has helped a lot tho.
dnd got canceled this week anyways (dm is gonna be absent on thursday) so i was hoping that i could get that html snippet done during study hall and email it to my home computer.
but yeah this week has been a big whump in the chest. i mean, last week i only went to school on monday and friday, the rest were cancled due to snow, and even though i went on monday and friday, we had early release and a 2 hour late start. and now i wake up at 5-6 everyday lmao.
2 days, i guess. it's wednesday and tommorows thursday which means the day after that will be friday. prolly gonna upload the stuff then!
hello all. I've been feeling good. Been working on evelyn evelyn a bit more- like not as an assignment but as a hobby. :) my goal is to get it to like- maybe a light novel size. 100-200 pages. If i can get more after the second round of editing i'll be happy.
speaking of ela- i submitted an odypen oneshot to my schools creative writing paper. It's not as official as yearbook, but it's a club. I'm hoping i see mine there, though it's a little long. About 5 pages or so, lol... one of the editors said my work was good, so maybe? Either way, i'll probably add it here sometime soon. Might do a little purge on the no-sleep-mitchy site too- like stuff i don't have motivation to finish. If i ever do finish them i'll probably repost.
ive been having a good week. How r y'all?
today's been okay i guess. worked on the site a bit so i feel obligatory to edit here. did a small purge and i'm back at 0.6 mb yippee.
(still kept underscore's blog bc i'm pretty proud of it.)
i mean, i'm trying to do something productive... i feel really tired today lol. not like drained but like- sleepy. and i don't know why either -_-
eh, i have a camp-prep thing tmrw so at least i'll get to see my friends for a bit!
for some reason i've been getting into the qsmp again lately- like i've been working on tallulah and chayanne designs (yin yang duo my beloved) and i'm in the middle of doing a sketch of phil. drawing kids is always a little easier because i can be lenient on the anatomy and just go for a chibi-ish artstyle, but drawing adults is a big mental stretch because i get very perfectionist-y.
like bro i don't know how to draw legs -_-
eh. just feeling a little bleh today but that's my usual weekend. hope y'all are doing okay
bleh. i feel really tired today. i mean it had a few good moments but overall i would like to take a shower and go sleep
so lets start with a good thing
ela was fun, we did a book club discussion. my group is just me and this other dude but he's really nice :)
we had a few really good points to make, and i enjoy conversing with him. he was kind of standoffish at first but he's a little more chill now.
now for the odd thing
my social studies teacher now knows i have a sailor's mouth?
like not those words exactly- - - but he was like "so mitchy i hear you can curse with the best of 'em"
there was also this one odd moment where he asked me if some classmates were bothering me (they weren't, there were just being rowdy af) i was like "haha no i'm good" and he was like "wack em. flip em the bird" 😁 👍
the oddest (is that a word?) part was that my classmates agreed lmao- my teacher was like "hey (insert students name) have you ever heard mitchy curse?" and she was like "yea. yesterday lol"
i thought i was being discreet lmao
also i deleted diamond mountain dew. gonna reupload it l8tr but i kind of have block rn. not just writers block, not just artists block, i got block.
gonna try an upload smth soon lolz. (i'm writing in my journal guys trust.)
good god i am tireddddddddd
but yeah other than that yippee i have motivation
i added my first story to the civil war au and updated lina's lore (i'm less hyperfixated on the dsmp nowadays so it required a bit of resarch) though i feel a bit happy bc i was lowk cringing at the old lore ehehe 😅 i don't wanna leave her unfinished though, and who knows? it might sway again.
other than that i think i've had a good day. i have some shit to work on over the weekened but i'm good. nothing too important to talk about i guess
but yeah uhm i'm not dead haha! just had to go on a trip for girl scout reasons. it was pretty cool but i am tired. gonna update tmrw trust
lmao i'm crying
I just had a really weird dream. Which is odd, as I don't really get dreams. Sleeping is like a speed-time-up thing for me- I pass out, then I wake up, and I wanna go back.
But anyways I was on a roadtrip with me and my little brothers. We were at this clothing store for some reason, and while we were shopping, I bumped into this girl I knew from school. Let's just call her E for simplicities sake. I don't really know her that well IRL, but in the dream we were chatting a bit as we rang up our stuff and walked out. Then this big wave came in. (It was weird, it looked all pixely.) We all kind of tripped over and fell into the water, which wasn't so bad, the wave wasn't strong. But then E just started disintegrating, like a bathbomb, so I just kept calling out her name, screaming, trying to get to her- but she was gone. It was so freaking weird. Then it was a timeskip- for some reason even though i graduated from elementary, it was recess and everyone i knew from school was on the playground, whether that would be walking the track, in the field, or one of the two playgrounds. E was there too, at the top of the playstructure. I remember looking up at her like "wtf" because I thought she died. Then I woke up, and for a minute thought it was real until i realized it wasn't. I went back to sleep after that, it was like- 2 am or something. Then it went on as normal. Idk if i'm having like- a madoka magica style prophetic dream, or if this is my body's reaction to getting more sleep than usual. Either way, gonna update the generation loss page today :) hope y'all are having a good day